Why you need life insurance. Or do you?

Family life insurance, financial security concept

Absolutely, life insurance is a crucial component of your financial planning. At the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, we recognize that not everyone may see the immediate need for life insurance, but we are confident that having coverage offers vital security and peace of mind for both you and your family. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to seriously consider obtaining life insurance to ensure the well-being of your loved ones for years to come.

Life insurance is an essential tool for protecting families from financial hardship in the event of a breadwinner’s death. It also serves as a means to build long-term wealth. However, not everyone needs a policy, especially those who are not the primary wage earner. If you do fall into the category of needing protection, it’s important to understand the type and amount of insurance to consider, as many people are underinsured and may not have enough protection in place. So, it’s crucial to assess your needs and make sure you have the right coverage in place to protect your loved ones.

Who doesn’t need life insurance?

Let’s be real here, there are two kinds of people who might think they can do without a policy. But let’s really consider this – a policy can give you security and protection when life throws you a curveball. It’s always smarter to be ready and have a safety net in place, just in case. So, even if you believe you’re invincible, having a policy can bring you peace of mind and assurance for the future. Trust me, it’s worth it.

1. Younger people with no family commitments or financial obligations

I get it, as a single young adult without debt and no immediate plans for a family, life insurance may not be on your radar right now. But let’s think about the bigger picture. It’s not just about you, it’s about the potential burden on your parents if something were to happen unexpectedly. Having a safety net in place for your loved ones, even at a young age, is a responsible and caring decision. It may not seem like a priority, but planning for the unexpected can provide you with peace of mind. So, consider the impact on your loved ones and take a step towards securing their future.

financial planning happy family mother father and children with piggy Bank at home

Absolutely, having life insurance coverage as a single young adult is still incredibly important. While you may not have any financial dependents right now, it’s crucial to think about the future and the potential financial burdens that could arise. Life insurance can provide peace of mind and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of an unexpected tragedy. Plus, securing coverage while you’re young and healthy can often lead to lower premiums. It’s a smart and responsible decision to protect yourself and your future, regardless of your current family situation.

  1. If you’re dealing with student loans or other debts that your parents would have to deal with if something were to happen to you, it’s absolutely imperative that you do something about it. Getting temporary term insurance can provide the coverage needed to pay off those debts. By naming your cosigner(s) as the beneficiary, you can guarantee that your loved ones won’t be left with the financial burden of your debts. It’s the responsible and sensible way to safeguard your family from extra financial stress during an already tough period. Take action now to protect your loved ones.
  2. If you have even the slightest idea that you want to get married and have kids someday, it’s a wise decision to get insurance while you’re young. By getting a permanent “whole life” or “universal life” policy, you can ensure lifelong protection for yourself and also build cash value that grows tax-free. Not to mention, you can use this cash value during your lifetime, making it a valuable investment for your future. Don’t procrastinate – take action now and secure your financial future.
  3. If you’re someone who earns a high income and consistently maxes out your 401(k) contributions, you should seriously consider permanent life insurance policies. The cash value component can serve as a tax-advantaged method to boost your income during retirement, providing you with an additional source of financial security. Don’t miss out on the potential benefits and advantages of this option as you plan for your financial future. It’s a smart move for someone in your financial position.

2. Older people with enough income and assets to cover their retirement living expenses

If you’re thinking about retirement and have minimal financial obligations, you might be contemplating getting a life insurance policy. But hold on a second – at this stage, it may not be the best move. The cost of life insurance increases as you get older, especially if you have health issues. This means that getting a policy with a substantial death benefit could be extremely pricey, and there’s a chance you may not even qualify for one. So, before making any decisions, take some time to carefully consider your circumstances and seek advice from a financial advisor to figure out the best plan for your specific situation.

Pensioner counting dollars, planning family budget, paying credit and debts
  • Life insurance coverage is not just for the young and healthy. In fact, it can provide significant benefits for older individuals with a variety of different needs. Whether you want to leave a financial legacy for your loved ones, cover final expenses, or even have funds for long-term care, life insurance can be a valuable tool for seniors. Don’t let age deter you from considering this important form of protection. It’s never too late to secure the benefits that life insurance can offer.
  • If you want to ensure that your loved ones are not burdened with funeral expenses and related costs, a “final expense” policy can provide the peace of mind you need. These policies offer a lower face amount, typically around $10,000, which helps keep premiums affordable. Plus, acceptance is usually automatic, with no need for a medical exam or health questions.
  • For those with special needs children or grandchildren, a permanent life insurance policy can be a valuable way to transfer money to a trust for their care. This can help avoid the time and uncertainty of the probate process.
  • If you have significant wealth and are concerned about estate taxes and the distribution of your assets after your passing, permanent life insurance can be a crucial tool for estate planning. For instance, if you’re leaving a business asset or real estate to one child, a policy payout can be used to compensate another child.
  • If you’re a senior who purchased a policy years ago, it’s important to consider continuing your protection. The rates for a term policy will be much lower than for a new policy, and if you have a permanent policy, you may be able to access the policy’s cash value to pay your premiums.

Lastly, if you’re considering life insurance for asset transfer or estate planning purposes, it’s essential to consult with a trusted tax professional who specializes in estate taxes to ensure the policy aligns with your specific objectives. Life insurance can provide invaluable peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones, so it’s worth exploring all the options available to you.

Who needs life insurance?

Now, let’s discuss another important aspect of life insurance. We’ve already talked about who may not need it and how it can be used for asset-building and estate planning. But there’s a group of people who should really think about getting it – those who need income replacement in the event of premature death. It’s a way to guarantee that your family is financially secure if something were to happen to you. Don’t leave your family’s future to chance. Consider getting life insurance for income replacement. It’s a smart way to protect your loved ones.

Learn more about insurance products and services. Coverage for different areas of risk, including life, health, auto, home, business insurances.

1. Wage earners with people who depend on their income

It’s an undeniable truth that 4 out of 10 households would be in financial turmoil within six months if the main breadwinner were to pass away. This is precisely why income replacement is the most critical component of life insurance. A life insurance policy has the power to offer a tax-free death benefit that can substitute years of lost income, all for a fraction of your monthly earnings. And it’s not just the primary wage earner who requires protection – even if you only contribute a portion of the family’s income or provide financial support to other relatives, such as your parents, your loved ones still rely on you. If your absence would lead to financial hardship for your family, it’s crucial to consider obtaining life insurance to give them the financial security they deserve.

2. People who have substantial debt

Life insurance is not just for older adults with families. Even young adults with student loans should consider getting sufficient coverage. But it’s not just student loans that can cause financial strain – there are many other types of debt, such as car loans, mortgages, business loans, and personal loans. If there’s a cosigner on any of these loans, the responsibility falls to them if something happens. And with a mortgage, even without a cosigner, the property could be repossessed.

Having life insurance can help prevent burdening a loved one with the overwhelming responsibility of debt payments. It’s a responsible decision to protect yourself and your loved ones from the financial stress that can come from unexpected circumstances. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take the steps to secure your financial future now.

3. People who don’t have enough savings to cover future obligations

Even if your family members don’t rely on your income, you still have important obligations that you need to protect. For example, a couple with two incomes and no children may not need each other’s salary to maintain their lifestyle. However, it’s crucial to consider the impact of losing one partner’s income on long-term savings and retirement plans. This is where joint life insurance policies come in – they provide coverage for both spouses and can help safeguard your shared financial future. Don’t underestimate the value of protecting your contributions to your nest egg, even if you don’t have dependents relying on your income. It’s important to take proactive steps to secure your financial well-being.

4. Business owners

Have you ever considered what would happen to your small business if something were to happen to you? The impact could be devastating – with potential disruptions, lost clients, and increased costs. Even in a family business, your absence could create challenges. And if you have partners, they would be left scrambling to come up with the money to buy out your share of the business. That’s why life insurance is crucial for ensuring business continuity and funding a buy-sell agreement among partners. Don’t leave your business vulnerable – protect it with the right life insurance policy.

When should I get life insurance?

It’s crucial to understand the importance of having a life insurance policy. You never know when the unexpected may happen, and having coverage can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. It’s never too early to start thinking about obtaining coverage, and reassessing your needs as your life circumstances change. Don’t wait until it’s too late – consider getting life insurance today.

Get coverage when your life changes

Life is full of unexpected changes. From graduating college to finding out you’re expecting triplets, life can throw all kinds of curveballs. As your responsibilities grow and more people depend on you, whether it’s a spouse, child, business partner, or employees, it’s crucial to consider getting life insurance – or adding to the protection you already have. Don’t wait until it’s too late to ensure the financial security of your loved ones. It’s never too early to start planning for the future.

Get coverage as soon as possible

Life insurance is a vital investment to protect your loved ones in case of any unforeseen circumstances. As you get older, the cost of coverage increases because you become riskier to insure. Waiting to get coverage can also lead to higher costs or disqualification due to health issues. It’s crucial to act now and secure a life insurance policy to ensure the financial security of your family. Don’t wait, take action now to protect your loved ones.

If you need to get life insurance, how much?

It is absolutely essential for you to have a life insurance policy if you are the primary provider for your family. This will ensure that your loved ones are financially supported in the unfortunate event of your passing. To determine the right amount of coverage, there are some important guidelines to consider.

1. Human Life Value*

When you’re deciding on the right amount of life insurance coverage, it’s crucial to consider the value of your future earnings. A simple and effective way to do this is by using a formula based on your age and income. For example, getting 30 times your income between the ages of 18 and 40, 20 times your income for ages 41-50, 15 times your income for ages 51-60, and 10 times your income for ages 61-65 can provide the right level of coverage. After age 65, it’s important to base coverage on net worth rather than income. By following this method, you can ensure that your loved ones are financially protected in the event of your passing. It’s a smart and responsible way to plan for the future.

2. Multiply your income by 10 – and add college for each child

It’s absolutely crucial to consider all of your financial needs, especially when it comes to planning for your children’s college tuition. The cost of college is no joke, and it’s essential to account for these expenses. On average, you should plan for about $100,000 to $150,000 per child. If you have two kids, that’s an extra $250,000 to plan for. It’s absolutely vital to be prepared for these costs and to ensure that you have the coverage you need to provide for your children’s education. Don’t let these expenses catch you off guard – start planning and saving now.

3. Use the DIME formula

When it comes to planning for the future, it’s absolutely crucial to consider all aspects of your financial needs. The DIME method, which focuses on Debt, Income, Mortgage, and Education, provides a comprehensive approach to estimating your life insurance needs. By taking into account future expenses as well as future earnings, you can ensure that you have the right coverage to protect your loved ones. Don’t overlook the importance of thorough planning when it comes to life insurance – the DIME method can help you make informed decisions for a secure financial future.

Debt:  Iurge you to take a moment to tally up all of your debts, not including your mortgage. This means adding up your car payments, credit card balances, student loans, and any personal loans you may have. Make sure to also consider additional expenses such as final expenses, which can amount to around $7,000. It’s crucial to have a complete understanding of your total debt so that you can develop a strategy to pay it off and attain financial freedom. Don’t delay, take charge of your financial future today!

Income: Consider this – what is your annual income? Now think about how many more years your family will rely on that income. It’s a tough question, but a good place to start is to calculate how many years until your youngest child graduates high school. For example, if you make $50,000 a year and your youngest has nine more years of school, you should be aiming for a total income of $450,000. It’s crucial to plan for the future and ensure financial security for yourself and your loved ones. So, start thinking ahead and setting yourself up for a stable financial future.

Mortgage payments:

It is crucial that you take a close look at your last statement and identify the payoff amount. Don’t forget to consider any second mortgage or HELOC as well, as it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all your debts and their payoff amounts. This knowledge will enable you to effectively manage your finances and make informed decisions about your financial future.


When it comes to your children’s future, planning for their college education is crucial. You need to be prepared for the costs, which can range from $100,000 to $150,000 per child on average. By taking into account your current savings and life insurance, you can figure out how much you need to save in order to secure their education. It may seem like a big investment, but the value of providing your children with access to higher education is truly priceless. So start planning now and make their future a top priority.

The Human Life Value Estimation method

When it comes to figuring out how much life insurance you need, it’s essential to consider your lifetime earning potential. This includes your current income and future expected earnings. Factors like your age, occupation, and benefits also play a role in determining the right coverage for you. Remember, everyone’s life insurance needs are different, so it’s important to seek advice from a Financial Professional. By getting expert guidance, you can make sure you’re making the best decision for your individual circumstances.

hand drawing graph showing profit growth

The term life insurance quote tool is an incredibly valuable resource for individuals looking for basic income replacement coverage. However, when it comes to more complex situations such as funding a buy-sell agreement or estate planning, a generic approach simply won’t cut it. Your insurance needs are specific to your situation, which is why it’s absolutely essential to have a comprehensive discussion with a trusted financial professional before making any decisions. Their expertise will guarantee that you receive the perfect coverage for your individual goals and circumstances. Don’t leave such an important decision to chance – consult with a professional today.

Different types of life insurance to suit different kinds of needs

Term life insurance

Term life insurance is an incredibly wise choice for individuals who require coverage for a set period, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years. It provides a cost-effective way to guarantee a substantial payout, making it an ideal option for parents with young children who need coverage until they reach adulthood. However, it’s crucial to understand that term life insurance is temporary and may not be suitable for estate planning or buy-sell agreements. Additionally, it doesn’t accrue cash value, so it cannot be utilized for retirement or wealth building. Nevertheless, for those seeking affordable and efficient coverage within a specific timeframe, term life insurance is undeniably an excellent option.

Whole life insurance

Investing in whole life insurance is an absolute must for securing your future. Unlike term life insurance, whole life policies provide coverage for your entire life. Yes, it may cost a bit more, but the benefits far outweigh the initial expense. These policies accrue cash value over time with tax advantages and a guaranteed interest rate. This means you can use the funds for personal loans, to pay premiums, or even as a supplement to your retirement income.

But that’s not all. Whole life insurance can also be used for business agreements or as part of your estate planning. It’s a smart and secure way to protect your loved ones and ensure your financial future. So, don’t hesitate to invest in a whole life insurance policy for long-term security and peace of mind. It’s a decision you won’t regret.

Universal life insurance is the ultimate choice for those who want the flexibility and permanence of building cash value over time. With variable premiums that can be adjusted within a certain range, you have the power to manage your policy based on your financial situation. This level of control makes universal life insurance the perfect option for anyone looking to take charge of their financial future.

Universal life insurance

Variable Universal Life (VUL) insurance is an excellent choice for those who want to build substantial wealth over time. With VUL, you have the flexibility to select from a range of investment options, allowing you to tailor your policy to your specific financial goals. While it’s true that VUL carries greater market risk, the potential for long-term wealth accumulation is well worth the investment. Plus, with the ability to allocate your cash value to different subaccounts, you have a significant level of control over your investment strategy. Yes, there are management fees and expenses, but the opportunity to build substantial wealth makes VUL an incredibly attractive option.


This type of life insurance coverage is perfect for covering end-of-life expenses like funeral costs and burial fees. It’s easy to get accepted for this type of coverage, and the policy is permanent with affordable premiums. However, it’s important to understand that the payout is minimal, and this policy is not meant to provide long-term financial support to your beneficiaries. For younger and healthier individuals, a conventional whole life, universal life, or term policy may offer better value and benefits. So, consider all your options before making a decision.

Joint life insurance

Joint life insurance policies are an excellent choice for couples looking to safeguard their loved ones’ financial well-being. Whether you want to provide for your surviving spouse or ensure support for others after both of you have passed, these policies offer peace of mind and crucial financial protection. Additionally, they are a valuable tool for estate planning, ensuring that your assets are safeguarded and distributed according to your wishes. Consider the long-term advantages of a joint life insurance policy for you and your spouse. It’s a smart investment in your family’s future.

Think you need a policy? Here are three ways to take the next step.

1. Through your workplace

Your workplace is an excellent place to secure life insurance. With affordable group rates and a simple enrollment process, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity. While the coverage amount may be limited, there are other options available to supplement your policy. Don’t miss out on the chance to protect yourself and your loved ones. Take control of your financial future and ensure you have the coverage you need.

2. Online

If you want to increase your life insurance coverage or add to what you already have through your job, there’s no better way to do it than by shopping for a policy online. With companies like Guardian, you can easily get term life insurance quotes, compare rates, and apply for protection. Don’t delay in securing your family’s financial future – make the most of the convenience of online life insurance shopping today.

3. Work with a financial professional

If you’re unsure about which type of insurance coverage is best for you – whether it’s term or permanent insurance – I highly recommend seeking guidance from a financial professional. They have the expertise to provide valuable information about the options that align with your current needs and future aspirations. If you already have a trusted financial professional, don’t hesitate to ask them for advice on the amount of life insurance and the type of policy that would be most beneficial for you. And if you don’t have a financial professional in your corner, Guardian can easily connect you with one who will take the time to understand your unique needs, offer tailored solutions within your financial means, and assist you in making an informed decision.

Frequently asked questions about life insurance

Do you really need life insurance?

Life insurance is absolutely crucial for guaranteeing that your family is provided for in the unfortunate event of your death. If you have loved ones who rely on your income or would be left with your financial obligations, life insurance can offer the crucial financial stability they need. It can also serve as a way to grow and safeguard your wealth, ensuring it is passed on to future generations. Don’t hesitate to secure your family’s financial future – make the decision to invest in life insurance today.

Do I need life insurance if I have a lot of savings?

If you’re financially secure and have ample savings to take care of your family and cover all your financial responsibilities, you might believe that life insurance for income replacement isn’t necessary. But wait – life insurance has more to offer than just that! It can help you grow your wealth in a safe, tax-advantaged manner. Plus, if estate planning is a concern, life insurance can help you transfer assets more effectively. To ensure you get the best guidance for your individual circumstances, be sure to seek advice from reputable professionals who can offer expert tax and investment advice.

Do you need a policy if you don’t have debt?

You need to think about this. Even if you’re a young parent or a couple with no debt, life insurance is still incredibly important for securing your children’s future. It’s about being prepared for the unexpected and making sure your loved ones are looked after, no matter what. So, ask yourself: do you have enough saved to support your children as they grow up? If not, life insurance could be the solution.

At what age should you buy life insurance?

If you care about your future and the financial stability of your loved ones, it’s crucial that you make getting life insurance a top priority. Waiting until later could mean higher premiums or even being denied coverage due to health issues. By getting life insurance at a younger age, you can lock in a more affordable policy and guarantee that your family will be taken care of if something were to happen to you. Don’t delay this important decision – take action now to protect your family’s future.

At what age is life insurance no longer needed?

If you’re financially stable and able to support yourself and your dependents, you might be tempted to think that life insurance is unnecessary. But hold on a second – for most people, this financial stability only comes later in life when their children are grown and independent. However, waiting to get life insurance later in life means higher premiums, which may not be worth the protection offered by a new policy. It’s crucial to carefully consider your options and make an informed decision about whether or not life insurance is the right choice for you.

What are the disadvantages of life insurance?

When it comes to insurance, we all know that paying premiums can be a bit of a drag, especially if you never end up needing to make a claim. But with permanent life insurance, you’re guaranteed to see a benefit payout as long as the policy is paid up. And the best part is, you can access the policy’s cash value while you’re still alive, giving you added financial security and peace of mind. So, if you want insurance that offers a guaranteed benefit and access to cash value, permanent life insurance is the way to go.

Can you get life insurance after having Covid?

Life insurance companies do offer coverage for people who have had illnesses, even Covid. But be aware that long-term effects from Covid or any other illness could affect your acceptance and the cost of your coverage. It’s best to wait until you have fully recovered from Covid or any other health issue before taking a life insurance health exam. By taking these steps, you can make sure you get the best coverage at the most reasonable cost. It’s important to be proactive and mindful when it comes to your life insurance coverage.


Life insurance is a fundamental part of financial planning, providing essential protection and peace of mind for your family in the event of your untimely death. While not everyone may need life insurance—particularly those who do not contribute significantly to household income—it’s crucial for those who do. Assessing your specific needs and understanding the types and amounts of coverage available will help ensure you have adequate protection in place. Whether you’re a primary wage earner or simply seeking to build long-term wealth, life insurance can be a valuable tool. Evaluating your circumstances and consulting with a professional can guide you in making informed decisions about the best life insurance policy for your situation.

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